The Inciting Incident and How to Use the Narrative Hook
Let's look at the difference between narrative hooks and inciting incidents, and learn how to use them well. Both are crucial to capture an audience's attention and kickstart your plot.
Best Newsletter Software for Authors
In the world of mailing platforms, authors are spoilt for choice. There are so many platforms to choose from and each offers its own unique features and pricing. For now, I’ll focus on the 3 I have used personally and am most familiar with – Mailchimp, MailerLite, and (most recently!) Substack.
Social Media for Authors: An Essential Guide
Social media is a powerful tool for authors. Learn how to use platforms like Facebook, TikTok and Instagram to build your author brand.
How to Market a Book: a Step-by-Step Guide
Once you have written and published your book, it might feel like the hard work is behind you. Unfortunately, the work has just begun, and this applies to both traditionally and independently published works. Writing a book is a feat, but now you need to get that book into the hands of readers, which can be even more challenging. Whether you are a new author or an experienced one, you will need to know how to market your book, and this step-by-step guide can help. I know that marketing your book can be daunting but it becomes easier if you break it down into clear, actionable steps. I love ticking…
How to Write Backstory Effectively
Backstory is all the history and past events that shape a character’s current motivations, fears, and desires. Knowing how to write backstory well can deepen the narrative and create characters your reader can connect with.
The Dreaded Middle: Pushing through your book’s midpoint.
Ah, the dreaded middle. Every writer knows it well. It’s that sinking feeling you get when you hit the midpoint of your book and everything suddenly feels impossible. When the excitement that propelled you through the beginning has vanished and the end feels like a distant dream. Take heart. At least you are not alone. If the start of a novel is a love affair, and the end is a victory march, then the middle is the grind—the part where the honeymoon is over, and it’s time to dig in and do whatever you can to stay on track. Plus, I have some great news for you. As part of…
How to Publish a Book: A Step-by-Step Guide
If you're unsure how to publish your book, this guide will help. It's filled with valuable resources about traditional and self-publishing.
The Difference Between a Radio Play and a Screenplay
Radio plays and screenplays are both scripts designed for performance, there are a few key differences between the two. A screenplay is a moving media, destined for the stage or the screen, while a radio play is performed exclusively on audio - be it on a podcast or the radio. These will affect the way in which you write them.
How to Write a Radio Play in Six Steps
Like a book, a radio play it is a form of storytelling, but while most words are destined for the page, a radio play is created to be broadcast in audio. Unlike television, there are no visual elements to assist. The story relies solely on dialogue, music, and sound effects to engage listeners. Learn how to write a radio play in six simple steps.
Example of the Format of a Radio Play Script
This is a basic sample of a radio play script template generated by AI purely to demonstrate, as part of our how to write a radio play checklist, but there are many examples available online. I would recommend you research the station you are interested in writing for and check their criteria before submitting.